Just a Reminder, Carson Daly Has Been On American Television for 20 Consecutive Years


Stunning. Just stunning.

Carson Daly was the host of TRL from 1998-2003.

Then came Last Call from 2002-2018 for a total of 1,633 Epsiodes

Now he hosts and produces The Voice. Which is how Carson Daly has won 4 emmys.

Sure, there have been missteps.

In 2001 – at the zenith of America’s Carsonmania – Daly hosted a New Years Eve show on NBC all by himself. According to imdb he was not allowed to do that again.

But that didn’t stop him.

C-Dale went on to marry a woman with the same lower face as himself. Incredible stuff.

Look at those pearly mouths and broad chins. Such equal ratios of lips to cheek. So similar, so many questions.

Yes this is a shit post but I’m sincerely not shitting on Carson Daly.

This man got to talk about music on TV for 20 years, married a beautiful woman, and still looks the same age as 1998.

Have you or I done any 2 of those 3 things?

Sure white privilege helped.

But there are still a lot of white people who never co-hosted a TRL episode with the TRL contest winner Jesse Camp.

It’s a fact. I am one of them.

Marisa Tomei, discussing Carson Daly

This is just a reminder that he has been on TV for over 20 years and that once and awhile, I don’t know, maybe think about him for a few minutes?

Maybe check in on him if you haven’t talked in a while.

See what he’s up to, get the scoop.

The man clearly wants to be in your life. The least you could do is take a few seconds out of your day, for once, once in your busy life – and I know you have kids now, trust me, I get it, if there’s anyone who understands that his friends have kids now, it’s this guy – but for once, in your wild, fly by the seat of your pants lifestyle, with all its kids…and not watching Carson Daly, just take a minute, just take a step back from this crazy mixed up modern world, with it’s moral ambiguity and it’s social networking, it’s Upside Down Worlds and fucking dragons are a thing again…just take a step back from this messed up, pop-up carnival we call “la vida loca”, and please, for once, for once and probably the first time in 20 years, think about Carson Daly.