Blogger Blues

I am at the point of tears.
Last week I went to publish my weekly article. I clicked a back button somewhere and the whole article was gone.
This Monday night, I was prepared to finish re-writing that article.
When I looked in my Drafts folder and saw, suddenly, that article had re-appeared.
So I added some updates and clicked publish.
Today I go to promote it and not only is it not published, the entire article is once again empty.
I posted 78 weeks straight. I know I’m not this bad at technology but it’s enough to make someone give up.
I cannot muster up the strength to figure this out today. I will simply have to abandon that idea, once again fail to post a weekly column, and try again next week.
Thanks to anyone who has ever read the blog, thanks to anyone reading this, thanks to everyone who is showing patience and gratitude to others while we languish under the pain of a crime against humanity being committed against our entire country for going on 7 months now.
Stay strong, and know that staying strong means allowing yourself to feel the pains of your weakest moments.